But, of course the old, white, mediocre man thinks this is offensive. Give me a break, huh?! I'm white too, but I am no different than anyone else. I am different from the white man because he thinks everything is about him! I know a few of these guys that got their panties all in a wad when "BLM" was protesting. Even one, I won't name, had the audacity to say, "Why aren't they saying white lives matter?! My life matters." And he was all fucking butt hurt over it. Like, shut the hell up, your life has always mattered more than everyone else. So, get off your high horse and get some fucking empathy.
Wow, that was a tangent. Anyway, this article was great and I'm glad you shared. I mean, FB is owned by white guys, maybe not mediocre, but might explain the FB jail! :)