I am so sorry for your loss, Julie. You have been missed. You don't have to be someone's best friend to feel the effects of their passing. People impact us in different ways and I've been saddened by a few people that have passed this year that weren't in my circle. I just took a week off and it really had me reflecting. That MLM comment - wow.... I wouldn't have thought of it but damn it sure does sting when you think about it! I've got some followers (how? I have no clue) but I am not in that elite group even i some may think so. I don't make much money here at all, especially with taking a week off I'll be glad to clear $100. I was putting in SO much time for very little money, hours each day and never missing a day. It really made me step back and think about what I am doing here. So, I have scaled back and am not worrying about it much anymore. But, I wouldn't want to be without a space for my writing. I did start a Substack and working on that, too but who knows if that'll go anywhere.
Sorry this is so long - I relate and I am glad you are here!! :)